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About Us

Movement & Manual Therapy

Beyond Therapeutics is a medically-oriented massage center specializing in the rehabilitation and maintenance of soft-tissue issues and injuries. 

Sports Injury

Our Story

When Shanan first began Beyond Therapeutics it was with the goal of providing a more useful and lasting massage experience. She envisioned a massage practice that would naturally support physical therapists, chiropractors, DO's and MD's. By mentoring and working with these experts she was able to create a unique medically-oriented massage treatment that that is tailored to each patient and their individual issues. These treatments been extremely successful and Beyond Therapeutics was able to add another therapist in 2021! Check out our bios below!

Where we're headed...

Beyond Therapeutics has some exciting news! Shanan has been accepted into South College's DPT program and will start working towards her doctorate in physical therapy in January 2022. So what does that mean for Beyond Therapeutics?


It will be business as usual until 2024 when we start to transition Beyond Therapeutics into a physical therapy practice. Shanan's role as a physical therapist will allow us to widen our scope and help our patients develop their mobility and fitness for lasting changes. Not to worry though! We will still offer the same medically-oriented deep tissue treatments that our patients are used to. 

Meet The Team

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